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We are always grateful to the generous donors who appreciate the life changing experience that is a summer at Maine Teen Camp.  Please find donation information below.

Why donate? For a camper…

  • who has never been away from home before, MTC is an introduction to independence

  • who may have struggled socially in Middle or High School, MTC is a welcoming place to meet and make friends

  • who has never seen a star filled Maine sky, swam in a clear lake, or heard the breeze whispering in the pine trees, MTC offers a place to fall in love with nature

  • who hasn’t had a chance to try their hand at tennis, canoeing, music, or any of the other activities offered, MTC provides an opportunity to learn new skills, demonstrate competence, and boost confidence

  • who is surrounded at school and home by technology and screens, MTC is a chance to disconnect, and reconnect with what matters

  • who may be under tremendous stress during the school year, MTC offers a chance to have fun, relax, and learn how to deal with stress in a natural environment away from the demands of school and home.

  • Who may have struggled socially, MTC offers a welcoming community that embraces diversity and acceptance.

  • Who may have struggled with their mental and emotional health, MTC has a structured environment that facilitates good sleep habits, regular and healthy meals, a socially accepting community, role models who care, and connection to nature.

  • struggling to answer the adolescent question “Who am I?”, MTC tells them it is okay to be “free to be, and free to become”.

  • looking for meaning, MTC offers them a chance to connect with a community in which they matter

  • feeling like they have already left childhood behind, MTC allows them to reconnect with the joy and curiosity of play, silliness, fun, and days without agendas.

Your generous support allows us to increase the number of camperships we can offer to campers from Maine, across the USA, and around the world.  Your donations allow us to increase diversity within our community in truly meaningful ways, creating a richer, more resilient community.  Your support matters and the ripple effect makes a profound impact felt far beyond your monetary donation.

You can donate by:
Sending a check to our winter office (96 Underwood Rd, Falmouth ME 04105) in the enclosed envelope made out to:
ACA Campership Program – Maine Teen Camp


By clicking on this link and donating directly at the ACA site.  Please make sure you include the name of Maine Teen Camp in the line underneath contribution amount.



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