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Community Service Elective

The community service elective is offered daily. We go to animal shelters, senior homes, land trusts, state parks, Habitat for Humanity projects, food pantries & soup kitchens, perform community waterway, roadway & cemetery clean-ups, volunteer at major local events and more. We believe that community service hours should be performed on a local level, proving to teens that they can make more of a difference in their own local town or city; with a long term goal of establishing a personal philosophy of service & giving campers the tools they need to plan and implement their own projects. That is – showing teens that community service does not have to mean traveling to another country or spending hundreds of dollars.

Fabric Arts

Teaching campers how to sew personal items, using a wide range of materials including those from old clothing & goodwill shops; tie dye/airbrush/batik techniques are taught to open new avenues of creative expression; and puppet making/felting to bring to life the characters from your imagination.   Advanced classes will focus on fashion design and creation.


Languages are offered once a day, including French and Spanish. Our English as a Second Language class, for the benefit of our international campers, is popular and important. By using language classes as a pathway to social engagement, we are able to accelerate the process of making friends for international and American campers alike.

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